I love to read and these 8 are some of my favorites...... So far.

I love to read about a whole range of topics but mostly non fiction. I personally believe that fact is way more exciting and stranger than fiction. Here are 8 books I highly recommend.
Tribe by Sebastian Junger
Washington's Farewell by John Avlon
George Washington's Secret Six by Brian Kilmeade
The New Jim Crow by Michelle Alexander
Madam President by William Hazelgrove
Chasing The Scream by Johann Hari
Destiny and Power by Jon Meachum
Dead Wake by Erik Larson
Let me know what you think or shoot me back a recommendation, I love a good read!
I'm a Stranger Here Myself: Notes on Returning to America After Twenty Years Away by Bill Bryson: I simply loved it!
Levels of Life by Julian Barnes was a great read, a tiny book, but oh so powerful and touching.